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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Show Notes Episode Number 1: The Books I Will Not Review On The Podcast

Description: This episode is about the books that came out after Michael’s passing on 06/25/2009 that I will not review on this podcast and why. Part of being of fan of Michael is that fans would want to know everything about him. Books are a start but not every book is worth the money. I want to do a episode on this so that people who are discovering Michael do not buy these books. There are fans who purchased the books and reviewed them so that no other fan should have to read the books and on this post, I will post the links/images to those reviews so you all can read them. My views of the books are based on facts and information not emotions so if you have an issue with it, that is not my issue. Michael’s life should be told accurately, factually and truthfully. He was lied most of his life so that people can make a living off of his lies. This podcast will make sure that no fan supports these books. I will also discuss the books reportedly in the works that will be released next year and state to the viewer what I think about it. I will also discuss the rating system that I have in place for the books that I will review on this podcast. Please read the show notes along with listening to the podcast. Use the show notes as a guide to what I will state in the podcast so you have an idea of what I am talking about. Enjoy.


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References -
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Show Notes -

The books that will not be reviewed on this podcast and why -

The Genius of Michael Jackson by Steve Knopper.

Released in 2015, image from

In 2015, Rolling Stone writer, Steve Knopps wrote a book about Michael that discusses Michael's career. The book seemed to be positive but a review done by writer D.B. Anderson seems to show the book as more of an insult to Michael's career than a book about his genius. Anderson stated,

"Knopper has a wooden writing style that serves up facts with little thoughtful interpretation. For example, he makes frequent and unflattering reference to the oddness of Jackson’s working habits, including his penchant for suddenly disappearing from the scene for days, but he doesn’t seem to infer a connection between this and the behavior of those around Jackson. "

Knopper seems to remove facts from his book and intentionally does not explain why Michael stated and did the things that he did. Here is one example of that, 

"But in Knopper’s book, dancers Casper Candidate and Cooley Jaxson say they demonstrated the dance to Jackson as he was preparing for his 1983 “Motown 25” performance, and complain that Jackson didn’t properly credit them or others, such as Bill Bailey who called it The Backslide and performed it in 1955, and Cab Calloway who performed what he called The Buzz in 1932.What Knopper doesn’t mention is that Casper and Cooley had a partner, Jeffrey Daniels, with whom they danced on “Soul Train,” and who began working with Jackson three years before Motown 25, also specifically on the moonwalk. When Jackson stated, “these three kids taught it to me,” he was referring to this trio of young men."

When Knopper's book flopped, thanks in part to Anderson's review, he made a series of tweets and retweets to promote his book by retweeting an article that claims to explore Michael's supposed issues with his "blackness" - 

Tweets/Retweets this bum made to promote his flopped book, from the author's twitter account.

These articles angered the fans and completely ruined Knopper's credibility. I did a blog post that goes into detail of this -

Released in 2009, image from

The next book is the Michael Jackson Tapes by Rabbi Schumely Boatech. This book was released months after Michael passed away. The Rabbi did various promotions for his book. The book is about conversations Michael had with this man. This was out of line because it is not known if Michael even knew he was being recorded. Fans should not get the book because of that and also because the Rabbi stole from Michael. Thanks to a blog post that was done on him, it goes into detail what exactly happened -

The Rabbi insulted Michael. Read on what he stated about him and why he should be ignored - 

A thief having the nerve to attack Michael. Pitiful. Image from

The next book that I will not review is Michael and Me by Shana Mangatal.

Released in 2016, image from

Where do I begin with this messy woman? Here is an image of what Shana's actual role was while working for Sandy Gallin - 

A post from a fan from

In 2012, I contacted this hag for a Q&A interview for my blog Michael and the Truth and she declined the interview - 

Image from

The book that was released in 2016 were full of lies and created stories. A great review from a MJ fan name Overloved, broke down how laughable her book was. Here is the link to the review -

Another review from someone who have also read the book - 

A must read review from

There is a website that is done on all of Shana's lies and inconsistencies. This is a must bookmark website because Shana is still lying about Michael -

An image of a fan who read her book who pretty much explain the book in its entirely. 

A fan post from

Another image of a chat I had with someone who knew how Shana would get "invited" to events dealing with the Jackson family. 

A direct message response via Instagram.

The next book is Untouchable by Randall Sullivan. 

Released in 2011, image from

The author did an interview with King Jordan in which he stated very off things about Michael. More proof why his book did not go anywhere. Trashing Michael in any way will not help you sell your book. This is from my blog Michael and the Truth (also included the link of his interview - 

"When I found out that author of the book, Untouchable, Randall Sullivan, was going to do a interview with Jordan King for a few months ago, I wanted to contact the show and ask him a couple of questions. Randall Sullivan was on the show because he was in the process of re-releasing his book on Michael to add in the information regarding the AEG vs. Jacksons Civil Trial. When I called the radio show, I was ready to ask him my questions but I never thought that this man would become rude and disrespectful. Here is the link to the radio interview and I believe I was one of the first callers (it starts around 20:00 to 32:00 but I could be wrong):
I asked him about the invalid will and why he came up with the conclusion that Michael was an asexual. According to his research, he stated that Michael was an asexual because he never heard any of his "sources" state that they actually saw Michael get into sexual relations with women. He also stated that if people believe otherwise, they are deluded or delusional (one of the two). After listening to his nonsense, I wanted to go off but I decided to listen and I realized that there are some people in this world who overthink things and when it comes to the same conclusion that they do not want, they will find ways to make it the way they want it to make it. In other words, there is proof upon proof that Michael was straight and had sexual relations with women, but Randall Sullivan does not want to admit that was the case so he sticks to what makes sense to him which is that Michael did not have sex with anyone. 
This is one of the reasons why I do this blog because the ignorance and the stupidity of people is too great and there needs to be clarification. Randall Sullivan does not care about Michael, his children or his legacy."

The next book that I will not review is Before You Judge Me by Tavis Smiley.

Released in 2016, image from

In 2016, Tavis Smiley wrote a book on Michael about the last months of his life. This book would have been a great book given that Tavis Smiley seemed to be an intelligent man. However, based on a review done on the book, Tavis is no different than any of the tabloid journalists. Here is the review of of book -

Ironic given that Smiley is facing his own issues with sexual allegations against him. Karma. 

The next book is Bastard Child by Joh'Vonnie Jackson. 

Released in 2018, image from

Joh'Vohnnie Jackson is the half sister of the Jackson siblings and does not have a relationship with them. The book bashes Michael. Here is a screen shot of a review from someone who read the book. 

A detailed review. Image from

Youtuber name LoveliT Tv did a video pretty much telling the truth about Joh'Vohnnie's motives. A must watch - 

Joh'Vohnnie deserves it, via Youtuber LoveliT Tv

The last time I checked, her book is not listed on or any book store. Good to know. 

The last book for this episode that will not be reviewed by me is My Friend Michael by Frank Casico. 

Released in 2011. Image from

Frank Casico and his family were very close to Michael and his family for years. It seemed that they were loyal until Michael passed away and things changed. Frank's brother Eddie and a man name James Porte sold three songs to Sony music and the MJ Estate in 2010. Those songs turned out to be false vocals of Michael being sung by a man name Jason Machaci. Here is the rundown -

I did various blog posts about Frank and his ways. Here is a link of what I stated regarding Frank selling video of Michael to a auction house -

When I did a review of Remember the Time from Bill Whitfield, I stated that the Casico family was telling Roger Friedman were Michael was staying in New Jersey in 2007. Included in the link are links to Frank selling MJ things, the Roger Friedman article and a tweet Taryll Jackson (Michael's nephew, Tito Jackson's son) posted regarding the songs. Read here - 

Those are the books that I will not review on the podcast. Do not buy those books. 

Author J. Randy Tarborrelli is going to re-released his book on Michael. He stated this on his Facebook page months ago. 

Interesting. Image from J Randy Tarborelli's Facebook page that was posted on

Lisa Marie Presley will write a tell-all book about her life. 

Interesting. Image found at

Explain the rating system. 

Rating system: 1 = Bad/Poor to 10 = Excellent/Perfect

Rating on -

Credibility: Can the book be believable?

Design: The cover, the amount of pages, author's name displayed, copyright, publishing company.

Knowledge of Subject: Does the author know enough about the subject? 

Accuracy: Is the book factual/true?

Impact: Can the book make an impact in how Michael Jackson should be remembered?