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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Show Notes: Random Thoughts 4

Description: Welcome to Season 2! This is another edition of Random Thoughts and on this edition I will give a tribute to Chadwick Boseman, discuss racism in the MJ fan community, what Michael's children are doing, MJ B-Day celebration, MTV's constant disrespect and much more. I will also discuss a few changes that have been made for this season. 

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This podcast episode is dedicated to the late, great Chadwick Boseman. He passed away from colon cancer on August 28th at the age of 43. Here is the statement - 

Statement that was posted on Boseman's official Twitter and IG accounts. 

A New York Times article on Chadwick, his upbringing, career and personal life -

My personal views on Chadwick. 

Videos of Chadwick that really showed him who he really was. RIP to his and my condolences to his family. 

Videos that show the real Chadwick. 

There were two documentaries that were done on Michael that premiered this month. One was on television and the other was on Youtube. The one that was on television was called Killing Michael Jackson and it aired on the Bounce TV network on September 7th. Here is a video of someone who watched the documentary. 

The other documentary was fan made called Michael Jackson: Loving Neverland that premiered on Youtube September 13th. It is a five hour documentary that goes in depth about what truly happened to him. 

There is a Facebook Group that I recently joined called Michael Jackson Book Club that I want fans to look into and if they want to, join the book. I got a lot of book recommendations on Michael from this group. 

The group is a private group. 

A fellow MJ fan name Cherrelle King and her family are victims of Hurricane Laura that destroyed her home and community. She created a Go Fund Me campaign to raise money to stay a float. I posted the link on the Facebook page and I am going to post it on here. Please donate. 

On the Bonus episode, I stated that the next podcast episode would be my reaction to Leaving Neverland. However, that changed because of the death of Chadwick Boseman and Michael's birthday, among other events that had to be mentioned first. The references will be seen and mentioned after the episode is completed. 

Show Notes

Michael Jackson Fans Denying Racism.

Taj made on post on Twitter criticizing the media/blue ticks still dwelling on the lie that is Leaving Neverland. Here is the tweet - 

From Taj's twitter account. 

After he stated that tweet, there were certain fans, who are white, who took offense to what Taj stated. One of the fans was offended that the fan attacked Taj as a person. 

A nasty post from a "fan".

One of the fans who operate the site called Michael Jackson Innocence Project was so offended by what Taj stated that she posted a long post on Twitter through Twitlonger to express her outrage. This is what Souza stated - 

Taj did a livestream on his uncle's birthday discussing all sorts of things including the racism that he had to endure. It starts on 42:02 -

A must watch. 

Michael's Children Are Doing Things. 

Paris had a show on Facebook Watch with her now ex-boyfriend name Gabriel Glenn called Unfiltered or something like that. The show was done to promote the EP album that Paris and Gabriel did with their band called the Soundflowers. The band did promoting for the EP but when it was released, it flopped and the show might have had a lot of views on Facebook but no one was interested. 

Discussed a conversation I had with a fellow fan who saw the first episode and why I knew it was trash. 

Was Paris being truthful about what happened to her? Here is a tweet that confirmed my suspicions - 

A fan's realization that the show could be false. 

In the show, Omer Bhatti was promoted as Michael's "adopted" son. Here is what he stated - 

This is NOT TRUE. Explain why this is false and who Michael actual "adopted" as his own son. Here is the information from this blog entry that also has the court documents in which stated Michael adopted him - 

What should the Facebook Watch show should have talked about? Michael has a daughter (Paris), niece (Stevanna/Billie Bodega), nephews (Austin, Jaafar) who are singers, songwriters and producers. A show could have been done on what they are doing instead of focusing on Paris. The show could have also been an update on what Michael's children are doing and how they are dealing with their lives without their father. 

Prince did an interview for a UK morning show called This Morning and on the show, Prince was kind of being attacked because he was named after his father. Here is video of his interview - 

Prince on the UK's This Morning.

From the interview, Prince stated that he was proud of his name and he misses his father. 

“Every year, I am more appreciative of that, but I miss him even greater because that is my father,” added Prince. Michael’s son shared some of that wisdom from his father. “He wanted us to be the best at whatever it is that we did,” said Prince. “It was a form of motivation and inspiration, that no matter what you do or how confident you feel, or how well you did something, my father would always say, ‘that’s great, but what’s next? How can we make it bigger or better?’ Or ‘What are you doing to learn from this experience and apply to improve the next one?'”

The interview who was rude to Prince is not a stranger to being nasty. Here are some of the things he stated - 

This guy is a whole fool. 

Michael's children have to stop doing interviews with the mainstream media who refuses to respect them and apologize to them for what they did to their father and family. Suggestions to speak to are Nicole's View, Fat Joe (rapper), Steve Harvey Show on Facebook Watch. 

Carole Lamere and Karen Faye - The Real Deal. 

Listening to the MJ Cast Podcast weeks back and Charles Thomson discusses a time he met Michael's former hair extention person name Carole Lamere. Here is the podcast episode, starts at 56:04 - 

Charles Thomson on the MJCast. 

In the episode, Charles discusses a conversation he had with Carole in which she stated that Jordan Chandler called Michael to tell Michael that he was sorry for what he did. Charles also stated that Carole told him about the last time she spoke to Michael in which he asks her if she could give him some medication. She declined. 

Stated what I thought when I heard that. 

I remembered what Karen Faye, Michael's former make up artist stated about Carole. Here is what she stated - 

Karen Faye's tweet on Carole Lamere's ways.

I remembered this and ignoring it because Karen has zero credibility to me but after what Carole told Charles, I had to find the comment and did some google searching. 

Here is an article in which she discusses why she was selling Michael's hair - 

Then, I find another piece of information that pretty much confirm Carole's ways. It looks like Karen was telling the truth this time - 

MJ's Birthday Celebration

Many events occurred on Michael's birthday. He was loved all over social media and the Brooklyn Loves MJ Live Feed was very popular on Youtube. 

The MJ Block Party trends on Youtube. 

The amount of views the live feed got on youtube before the estate removed the video - 

Also, Spike Lee debuted the 2020 version of Michael's legendary song "They Don't Care About Us" to tie it in with the movements and protests that happened earlier in the year. 

"They Don't Care About Us", 2020 version. 

The short film trended on Youtube for one day. 

The mainstream media discussed the updated video - 

And what his family had to state about him on what would have been his 62nd birthday - 

An article that discusses what the fans did for Michael on his birthday - 

There were other events that happened on Michael's birthday such as - 

German in Venice tribute to Michael. 

Paul Dyer, author of Michael Jackson Humanitarian doing a interview with MJ Book Club

A tribute to Michael from MJJJProject.

I am not sure what LaToya was thinking when she posted this - 

LaToya posted a photoshop picture of Michael. 

MTV's Constant Disrespect to Michael and Why Fans Should Move On

The MTV awards came on the day after Michael's birthday and something was missing. The Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award was gone and replaced by the Tricon Award. Here is an article that explains it - 

The fans were upset but I feel that they should move on. They have a history of trashing Michael and then begging him to do their useless show. Last year, they did not want Michael's name on the Vanguard Award but it was left on there. 

The images explains it all. 

Verzuz Brandy and Monica - MJ Related. Should a Verzuz be done on Michael?

Singers Brandy and Monica did a Verzuz on Instagram and Apple Music that broke records.

Brandy VS Monica

In the special, Brandy dedicated her song "Missing You" to Michael along with Whitney Houston, Nipsey Hussle, Chadwick Boseman, Kobe Bryant and others. 

Should a Verzuz be done posthumously on Michael? 

Michael's Letters from 1987 About Racism. 

An article was done on Michael that was about letters that he wrote that surfaced in which he talked about the racism he had to deal with. 

The letters give a new insight into Michael's mind. 

These letters are more confirmation of Michael's drive to not only to be great but to try to cease racism. 

The Executors of the MJ Estate Are Foolish

The executors are doing this again with the false information. This time, they posted a picture of a MJ impersonator instead of Michael. 


Time to rant. 

Kanye West Goes Off and Mentions Michael. 

Kanye West made various tweets on Twitter recently explaining his issues with hios record company when it comes to ownership. He goes on to bring up Michael Jackson. I will explain everything in detail.

Kanye West's tweets. 



Articles:,, Facebook post,,,,,

Youtube: German in Venice Tribute to Michael, Brandy and Monica Verzuz from Revolt, Taj's, Live Feed from his YouTube channel, "TDCAU" 2020 from the official MJ Youtube page, Prince being interview for the UK's This Morning, A Tribute to Michael from MJJProject Youtube channel, Paul Dyer's interview from MJBook Club, Charles Thomson on the MJ Cast, SNL, Vanity Fair, Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, Wired, The Talkto, Loving Neverland from Gothic Humor, Why Killing MJ Sucked from Influence Films. 

Images: Image of Kanye West's tweets from The Jasmine Brand IG, ECassanova (now deleted) from the Official MJ IG Account, letters from Michael from Twitter, all tweets from, screenshots of Youtube's Explore from Belinda O's personal phone.