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Monday, August 31, 2020

Show Notes: Bonus Episode Number One: Review of Season One, Preview of Future Episodes and Reaction to FAQs from the Estate Executors.

Description: This episode is broken down into two parts. The first part will be a review of season one, a proper introduction and a preview of season two. The second part will be my reaction to the executors of the Michael Jackson Estate's laughable FAQs on the official website. I will not hold back.  

Michael and the Truth Podcast on Anchor:

Other platforms that you can hear the podcast: 

Google Podcasts

References: Michael and The Truth on Anchor podcast links,

Show Notes:

Part One

A Proper Introduction - 

Who am I?

How long have I been a fan of Michael Jackson?

Why do I care about him after everything that has happened?

What do I want to accomplish with this podcast?

A review of season one of Michael and the Truth Podcast. What topics that I omit from the six episodes? Why? 

Episode One: The Books I Will Not Review on the Podcast

Episode Two: Kobe Bryant Tribute With An MJ Connection

Episode Three: Random Thoughts 1

Episode Four: Random Thoughts 2

Episode Five: Random Thoughts 3

Episode Six: A Tribute to Michael

Season Two Preview - What to expect?

  • Leaving Neverland Reaction
  • The Jackson Family
  • Michael and Ladies in His Life
  • Random Thoughts 4: Things that are Bothering Me
  • Book Review: TBA
  • Possible Bonus Episode 2
Part Two

My Reaction to the executors of the MJ's Estate's answers on the FAQs section on the official Michael Jackson website. 

August 29th is MJ Day Part 2!

Happy Birthday, KING!!!