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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Show Notes: Episode 6: A Tribute to Michael

Description: This episode will be my tribute to Michael. The 15th Anniversary of Vindication Day will be discussed, Square One on Amazon Prime and my reaction to people's reactions to it. I will explain why fans need to stop interviewing Aphrodite Jones among other things. History celebrates 25 Years and the mainstream media does not discuss it. Explain my theories as to why and articles that discusses the impact of the History album. Father's Day is a day where we celebrate fathers and Michael was a great father and Michael's relationship with his own father Joseph. Finally, it has been 11 years since Michael passed away. I will tell my story of how I found out Michael passed on and why I feel the time for his children to take over has expired. 

Other platforms that you can hear the podcast: 

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References:,, Youtube,,,,, Michael and the Truth Facebook page,,, Vibbetts Mixing Facebook, June Gatlin Facebook,,,, images from my personal harddrive.

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Rest in Peace to Zindzi Mandela and Benjamin Keough. Condolences to their families. 

Youtube channel - The youtube channel will have videos uploaded next year. It is a lot of things going on and I cannot find the time to get the videos uploaded on the youtube channel. I am thinking of putting the podcast episodes on Youtube.

Instagram - I am going to do an Instagram account for Michael and the Truth. I will use the page to post updates on the podcast and youtube channel. I will post the link of the page on the Facebook page. 

Twitter - I am not going to focus on twitter for right now. I want to promote the podcast and youtube channel on Facebook, Instagram and on Anchor. If I do return to Twitter, I will probably never tell you all. 

Show Notes:

15 Anniversary of Vindication Day

On June 13th, 2005, Michael Jackson was found not guilty on all 14 counts of child abuse. 

The trial lasted five months and the case lasted nearly two years

Once the day the verdict was read, the major networks broke news to announced the verdict

When the verdict did not go the way they wanted, the media trashed Michael. 

Video from TSCM's Youtube page.

Fifteen years later, the fans mark this day with telling people the actual facts of the trial and how the media intentionally lied on Michael. 

The event even trended on twitter - 


The mainstream media avoid discussing the event because they are set on telling the public lies about the case and trial instead of admitting that they were wrong. Only two IG accounts discussed the anniversary - 

From Instagram.

In Santa Maria, California, groups marked the day by doing a celebration. Here is an article that discusses the day. It was done to bring attention to the Anti-Defamation Legacy Law to be passed to protect the deceased from defamation - 

State my experience with the trial and how it changed me as a fan and as a person. 

Square One on Amazon Prime

Square One 2.0 is now on Amazon Prime and it is doing extremely well. At one point, it was the number one documentary on the platform. That is major. 

The documentary is about the 1993 false allegations/extortion plot that Michael had to endure and how that along with the 1994 settlement, continues to plague Michael up to his passing and after. 

Many people viewed the documentary came away thinking one way but started to see that Michael was the victim. Others already believed in Michael's innocence and the documentary confirmed it for them. 

Reaction to Square One from

There were three very good reviews of the documentary that everyone should read. 

My review of Square One that I posted on my Facebook page and Youtube - 

An radio interview Taj Jackson, Danny Wu did to promote Square One -

Why aren't the executors of Michael's estate not discussing Square One on the social media platforms??


Additional Information

Why are fans still interviewing Aphrodite Jones? In her interview with The MJCast, she stated that she did not believe in Michael's innocence until the verdict was read. Here is the interview -

Aprhodite Jones' interview with The MJCast.

Geraldine Hughes did an interview with members of the Facebook group Michael Jackson Book Club to discuss her book about the 1993 allegations/extortion plot called Redemption

Geraldine Hughes being interviewed from MJ Book Club's Youtube channel.

To know how ridiculous the 2005 trial truly was, here is a video that goes into that - 


Linda Deutsch, a now retired journalist from the Associated Press, covered the 2005 spam trial and she states the truth about the trial and the pathetic media. 

History 25

On June 16th, 2020, Michael's most personal album HIStory: Past, Present and Future celebrated 25 years since it was released. 

The double album had one CD of Michael's greatest hits and the other CD of new songs. 

The first single from the album was a duet Michael did with his sister Janet called "Scream". It debuted at number 5 on the billboard hot 100 charts. 

The next single, "You Are Not Alone", debuted at number one on the billboard hot 100. Michael was the first artist ever to have a debut song go to number one. 

History was considered a "flop" even though it debuted at number one on the Billboard Top 200 album chart, have multiple hit singles and became the best selling double album of all time. 

History was heavily promoted in the United States and worldwide. However, Michael did not tour in the mainland USA because it was assumed that the tour would not do well in America. 

When the album was being promoted, MTV did a special on him on the Behind the Scenes of the "Scream" short film - 

Making of "Scream" from MTV, 1995.

When the album was being released, news of one of the song caused a lot of controversy because the song, "They Don't Care About Us", was assumed to have attacked the Jewish community. Here is video that describes the controversy - 

The TDCAU controversy from the show Entertainment Tonight, 1995.

The controversy was so bad that Michael had to issue an apology.

From CNN, 1995.

The promotion for the album was huge. Michael did a lot of specials and performances all over the world. Here are some highlights - 

Michael at the 1995 MTV Awards Performance -

Michael at the 1995 Soul Train Awards - 

Michael did an interview with MTV in 1995 on day he had to announce the nominations for the MTV awards that year - 

There were specials on the Behind the Scenes of Michael's short films like this one for "They Don't Care About Us" -

Michael even did a rare interview in 1995 in the Middle East - 

By 1996, he was everywhere - 

Michael's amazing performance from the 1996 World Music Awards.

Michael started his History tour in 1996 and here is video of his stop in Germany - 

Since the mainstream media completely ignored the 25th anniversary, I will post two videos of coverage that Inside Edition and Entertainment Tonight did to tell their viewers about the tour. This is how hypocritical and fickle the media truly is.

Michael behind the scenes of his History tour from ET, 1997. 

Michael behind the scenes of his History tour from Inside Edition, 1997.

Michael in South Africa in 1996. 

The impact of History 25 years later - 

It is not a shock that the executors of Michael's estate did not a documentary on this important album. Instead, they decided to sell hoodies to mark the occasion. Read their pathetic excuse why that did not happen - 

This is complete nonsense. 
Looking back at History

A book about History

Brian Vibberts, Assistant Engineer for the History album remembers History

Fathers Day

Michael was a great father and there are many stories about his parenting. Here is one of them. 

Joseph and Michael Jackson had a very complicated relationship. In later years, Michael forgave his father and often stated that he was a "genius". When re-watching a clip from Michael's special "Private Home Movies", Michael discusses Joe Jackson Day and shows a clip from 1991 about the time the whole family was at Neverland to celebrate a day on their father. That was around the time Michael was having issues with his father. Yet, he still celebrated him. 

Joe Jackson Day (1991) from Private Home Movies, 2003. 

11 Years and It Still Hurts/ Celebrate Michael Always

Discuss my story of how I found out Michael passed away. 

The events that happened after his died and how it changed me. 

Part of my personal collection of publications on Michael that were purchased in 2009 and 2010. 

My tribute to Michael on the 11th anniversary - 

From the people who knew him - 

From his spiritual adviser Rev. June Gatlin - 

From the Chicago Tribune

A blogger who went to Forest Lawn - 

An article that gets into race and the media when it comes to Michael - 

Explain why I feel Michael's children are not going to honor their father the way he should be honored.

Michael with his children Prince and Paris, 2003.

The fans will save his legacy, not his family or children. 

From my former twitter account telling the fans the reality of the fanhood, 2019.

No matter what people state about Michael, his true hearts shines through. 

Image from

From the comment section on

image from instagram

image from

From a comment section on