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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Episode 5: Show Notes: Random Thoughts 3

Description: This episode is another Random Thoughts episode about the events that happened between May 1st, 2020 to June 1st, 2020. In this episode I will discuss Katherine's milestone day, Mother's Day and why I had to revisit a blog post I made in 2014. Quincy Jones lost an appeal with the Michael Jackson Estate and I see this as karma. I will explain why. Tom Mesereau wants the fans to do a project to honor Michael. Taj continues to do live streams on Youtube. I will discussed the one on Michael's favorite songs and the one he did with his cousins Siggy and Toyia. The future of the Michael Jackson fan community is always on my mind and I want to call out the stalking in the community. Bigi graduates from high school and the mainstream media ignores it. 2020 seems to be the year of not only the pandemic of Covid 19 but the year of the revolt. I will explain why Michael should never be associated with the Black Lives Matter movement and their true reason for existence. His music speaks more to the protests than ever before. Michael's niece gets attacked and the media ignores it. 

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Show Notes:

Katherine Turns 90/Mothers Day: it was good to see people honoring Katherine. State how I truly feel about her and why Michael adored his mother. 

Michael with his mother, Katherine in 1992.
Words of wisdom - 

Video of her family wishing her a happy birthday - 

Debbie Rowe Should not be Honored and Rebecca White. I did a blog post on Debbie's ways and posted a video of a woman name Rebecca White who exposed Debbie after Michael was killed. 

However, I did not know that Debbie fought back. I am going to state why I will not remove the video of Rebecca White on my blog post. 

Debbie Rowe sues Michael a year after he was vindicated. (From 2006).

What did Michael really think about Debbie? Is this believable? I think it is.

"Michael's feelings were like someone who looks back on their life, thinking deeply about the things they had done. Michael said that he made poor decisions based on negative things that was said about him by others, but the die was cast. He couldn't change the fact that he married two women that he wasn't “ in love “ with. Michael said that Lisa helped him not only out of friendship but her love for him, and that Debbie did it for money and the attention she would get for being his wife, and Michael had regrets about entering both marriages. Michael said that with Debbie, the only good that came out of the marriage was the children, and that he had never found an attraction for her, physically or mentally. To Michael it was clear what was more important to Debbie, and the truth be told Michael never had good opinions about her, he said that her motives were not genuine, and that he no longer felt friendship towards her, Michael began to think that she only carried children for him because of what it could do for her. Michael's opinion about Lisa however was that she was a friend and that she really loved him. Michael felt that she helped him because of that love. Michael said that he loved Lisa, but was not “ in love “ with her. Even though he loved her Michael's opinion of Lisa was that she was bossy, pushy, she tried to change him, she had the “ Savior Complex “ in which she felt that she knew what was best for him all the time, that she could fix his problems if he would only allow her to. Lisa thought she could “ save “ him, that she could do what no other woman in his life was able to, but Michael didn't want to be Baptized in the name of Lisa. Michael said publicly that Lisa liked to argue and this was surely a turn off to him. He also said that he couldn't be himself around Lisa because she always found something wrong about the way he was. Michael thought that Lisa was smothering, and that's not a good thing even if it's out of love. Lisa didn't know when to stop with the nagging in Michael's eyes, and since it was not a conventional marriage Michael felt that there was just no need for it all. Michael's opinion on both marriages was that he made a mistake, and even though both women were paid Michael leaned towards Lisa as far as being true about her feelings for him, he just felt that Lisa did other things in the wrong way, and that he later found out that Debbie was fake from the start."
Quincy Jones Lost Appeal. Is this karma?

Tom Mesereau's Project for Michael.

T-Mez's letter to the fans. 

Taj's Live Streams on Youtube.

Some Music That Michael liked - 

Taj with his cousins Siggy and Toyia Jackson - 

The Fans in the Fan Community.

Some fans have issues. 

Prince Michael Jackson (Bigi) Graduates from High School.

Bigi/Prince Michael graduated from high school on May 29 from The Buckley School. 

Images from the IG account @Prince.Paris.Bigi

As usual, the media did not even remotely mention it. Congrats to Bigi.

2020 The Year of the Revolt.

Since the murder of George Floyd, there were various protests all over the USA and the world. Many people protests against the injustices that the black community faced on a daily basis. Some members of Michael's family protested from actually going to protests to stating their views on their social media accounts. 

Michael's music was played countless times during the protests. Songs such as the ever relevant "They Don't Care About Us", "Heal the World" and "Man in the Mirror" were played during these events. Here is an article that discusses this - 

Even a video of people coming together using the song "TDCAU" that was posted on social media.

However, what comes with these types of protests are opportunists. One of those opportunists is the organization Black Lives Matter. I knew something was wrong with the whole "loving black people" when media corporations that ruined Michael's character and his false accusers posted the hashtag of Black Lives Matter. That was when I had to do research on what they are truly about. 

One of the founders of the movement name Patrisse Cullors called Michael the p-word after the R. Kelly documentary Surviving R. Kelly came on television. 

As I was doing research regarding this organization, I found a video of a licensed psychotherapist named Dr. Vashonna Etienne in which she discusses a study about the riots and protests and how they are orchestrated. (Starts at 57:07).

Then, I remember years ago there was a man name Darren Seals, an activist, who mysteriously was killed once he exposed the Black Lives Matter organization. Here is video of him discussing the movement for what it truly stands for. 

I listened to an interview that woman by the name of Nyota Uhura, an activist who exposes the Black Lives Matter organization. This is a must listen. Start from 11:30 but please listen from the beginning. 

I read the mission statement of Black Lives Matter and it was very off - 

Michael should not be used in a organization such as this. 

Michael's niece Yasmine, gets attacked.

On May 31st, news surfaced that Michael's niece, Yasmine Jackson (JohVonnie Jackson's daughter), was racially attacked by a member of the LGBTQ community who stated racist slurs to Yasmine. Here is a video that was captured from her mother's IG story that was posted on youtube - 

An article that discusses this and the mainstream media completely ignored this. 

The full story from Youtuber Nicole's View -