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Monday, June 8, 2020

Episode 4: Show Notes: Random Thoughts 2

Description: This episode is a two part episode. The first part is a tribute to the late, great Little Richard. The second part will be a regular feature of Random Thoughts regarding events that happened between March 1st to May 1st, 2020. The topics that will be discussed will be Taj's live streams on Youtube. Kew Media, the distribution company that distributed Leaving Neverland is finished.  Why aren't Nicole Richie, Rashida and Kidada Jones not defending Michael and when will they if they ever decide to? The Youtube channel the detail is bothering me and I will explain why. Michael Jr. is honoring his father well and I will show you how he is. Verzuz between Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds and Teddy Riley - the MJ highlights. Paris Hilton talks about Michael with Naomi Campbell, Katie Couric karma and corrections. 


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On the previous podcast episode, I stated that the show in which the former journalist who passionately called out the media for their terrible coverage on Kobe Bryant's death, was called Daily Beast Live. That was a mistake. It was called Daily Blast Live. The name of the former journalist who passionately told off the media is name Lindsay Granger. 

On the first episode of the podcast, I discussed the book that nasty man name "Rabbi" Schumely Boateach did on Michael but I did not state why I did not want anyone to read the book. The book is from a man that lies, the book was taken out of context, he is a fraud and his narrative was to make Michael out to be an idiot who does not know how to be in a relationship with adults. It was more accusatory and exploitative and not about learning and understanding Michael. It is possible that Michael did not know he was being recorded at all, let alone a book. I urge fans NOT TO buy the book and if they want to know what Michael stated in the book, here is a link to the tapes. 

The "Private Tapes" from 2000-2001, from  youtuber GMJHD.

We are still dealing with the COVID-19 lockdown and I saw a video that moved me to tears. Please check it out. 

Moving. From youtuber Single White Glove.

Sadly, more racial unjust is happening in my country, USA. We all know that Michael was victim of racism and white supremacy throughout his life. He talked about it and he sang about it. The song and short film "They Don't Care About Us" hits different more than ever before because of the constant hate my fellow black people get every single day. Michael did the song for us and the song is perfect for what we are going through. May those blessed souls who lost their lives because of pure evil Rest in Peace and my prayers to their families and friends. 

His best song, PERIOD. From the official Michael Jackson youtube page. 

Show Notes:

A tribute to Little Richard - 

The true King of Rock and Roll died May 9th at the age of 87 from cancer. He lived a very interesting life. 

I will be reading an article from Rolling Stone about his life. Here is the link to the article -

It is no secret that Michael adored Little Richard and when he purchased the Beatles Catalog in 1985, Little Richard's publishing rights was in the catalog. Michael immediately wanted to give ALL of his rights to him. 

When Little Richard passed away, the mainstream media intentionally did not mentioned Michael's generous gesture to Little Richard. So, thanks to social media, Michael's generous deed was known. 

Here is video of singer/songwriter Marsha Ambroius explaining how Michael gave back Little Richard's publishing rights - 

From Marsha's youtube channel.

Here is commentary I watched from a youtuber name Calvin Michaels. He did a very good tribute to Little Richard. This was very insightful what he stated. 

Little Richard Tribute from youtuber Calvin Michaels.

Little Richard was one of the best that ever do the entertainment thing and opened so many doors for so many people. He has always wanted the respect that he deserved for what he did for others. He was a true pioneer and may he Rest in Peace with the rest of the greats. 

Taj's Live Streams on Youtube

I am basing my views on the live stream he did with his wife, Thayanna. In this live stream, he discussed the docu-series.

Taj's Live streams on youtube. 

In this particular live stream, Taj alluded that one of the people that befriended Michael as a child, did not want to be mentioned concerning Taj and his project on Michael. Was it Nicole Richie or Rashida Jones? 

When you watched the live stream, if you read the live chat, someone stated that the stepson of one of the prosecutors from the 2005 trial told him that Michael was set up. 

Also in that live chat, another person stated that sicko Victor Guitterez based his sick book on Michael on an Oscar Wilde book or court case. 

Other things that were discussed in the live stream was Michael's favorite Prince song, what sitcom he watched and that MCHammer wants to be in the docu-series. 

Kew Media is Finished

Here is an article about the destruction of evil - 

America and the United Kingdom allowed this mess to occur knowing it was not true and it was a lynching on a black man. It shows how much black people are hated. 

Knowing what we know about how all of this came about, when will MJ fans stop thinking that the two failures will do the right thing and admit this is a ploy to rob billions from a black man and a black family? 

When Will They Defend Michael? 

A link about Rashida and Kidada Jones having racial identity issues.

Quotes from an interview both sisters did with Glamour magazine years ago that the website decided to discuss back in 2017. 

KIDADA: …When I was born in 1974, there were almost no other biracial families–or black families–in our neighborhood. I was brown-skinned with short, curly hair. Mommy would take me out in my stroller and people would say, “What a beautiful baby…whose is it?” Rashida came along in 1976. She had straight hair and lighter skin. My eyes were brown; hers were green. In preschool, our mother enrolled us in the Buckley School, an exclusive private school. It was almost all white.

RASHIDA: In reaction to all that differentess, Kidada tried hard to define herself as a unique person by becoming a real tomboy.
KIDADA: While Rashida wore girly dresses, I loved my Mr. T dolls and my Jaws T-shirt. But seeing the straight hair like the other girls had, like my sister had…I felt: “It’s not fair! I want that hair!” […] One day a little blond classmate just out and called me “Chocolate bar.” I shot back: “Vanilla!”

KIDADA: I was kicked out of Buckley in second grade for behavior problems. I didn’t want my mother to come to my new school. If kids saw her, it would be: “your mom’s white!” I told Mom she couldn’t pick me up; she had to wait down the street in her car. Did Rashida have that problem? No! She passed for white.
RASHIDA: “Passed”?! I had no control over how I looked. … Today I feel guilty, knowing that because of the way our genes tumbled out, Kidada had to go through pain I didn’t have to endure. Loving her so much, I’m sad that I’ll never share that experience with her.

KIDADA: When I was 11, a white girlfriend and I were going to meet up with these boys she knew. I’d told her, because I wanted to be accepted, “Tell them I’m tan.” When we met them, the one she was setting me up with said, “You didn’t tell me she was black.” That’s When I started defining myself as black, period. Why fight it? Everyone wanted to put me in a box. On passports, at doctor’s offices, when I changed schools, there were boxes to check: Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Asian. I don’t mean any dishonor to my mother–who is the most wonderful mother in the world, and we are so alike–but: I am black. Rashida answers questions about “what” she is differently. She uses all the adjectives: black, white, Jewish.
RASHIDA: Yes, I do. And I get: “But you look so white!” “You’re not black!” I want to say: “Do you know how hurtful that is to somebody who identifies so strongly with half of who she is?” … When people don’t know “what” you are, you get your heart broken daily.
KIDADA: That changed everything. I’d go to my black girlfriends’ houses and–I wanted their life! I lived in a gated house in a gated neighborhood, where playdates were: “My security will call your security.” Going to my black friends’ houses, I saw a world that was warm and real, where families sat down for dinner together. At our house, Rashida and I often ate dinner on trays, watching TV in Anna’s room, because our dada was composing and performing at night and Mom sat in on his sessions. […] I experienced all that heart and soul in black families. I started putting pressure on Mommy to let me go to a mostly black public school. I was on her and on her and on her. I wouldn’t let up until she said yes.

Interesting. When Paris told the world she considered herself black, people where tripping but Quincy's daughters have issues with their race and no one attacks them. I see. 

It was alluded to the reason why Nicole Richie and maybe to the extent Rashida Jones do not want to defend Michael is because of their careers. Here is proof that defending Michael does not end careers. 

From E!News youtube channel.

Evan Ross, the son of Diana Ross and Michael's godson, has been defending his godfather constantly on his Instagram page. Even after the backlash of Leaving Neverland, he kept on defending him. Here is an image of the upcoming movies Evan will be doing - 

A search of Evan's upcoming movies. 

Paris Hilton has been defending Michael publicly and she still has upcoming events. Here is an image of that - 

A search of Paris' upcoming tour dates. 

Defending Michael is not hurting their careers. Far from it. 

Is Rashida's new show on Netflix called Black AF  blacklash karma for her father Quincy Jones trashing Michael? 

From youtuber The Blackest Truth.

The Detail: Not Good for Michael.

The youtube channel "dedicated" to Michael legacy or is it to rewrite his legacy? 

Photoshopped pictures going viral created by them. 

Why are they doing this? What is the point? This is unacceptable and a form or racism. From The Detail Instagram account.

Why isn't anyone in the fan community calling this out? A white man's voiceover explaining Michael's black heritage - why? Going after the paternity of Michael's children - why? 

The video is misleading. 

Michael Jr. (Prince) Honors his Father.

An article about Prince's charity work and his father's guidance -

"My dad was always a strong believer in going for what you want and go follow your dreams and chase your dreams… So for us to be able to kind of sit there and hopefully make a career about talking about film and looking at film – my brother wants to be a director, I love producing… It’s just, it’s definitely, there’s some form of guidance there that kind of is ushering us into the next generation." 
Prince, as a proud older brother, once mentioned that, of the three siblings, only Paris has some of the talents of their legendary dad since she can sing. The other siblings don't see themselves going down the same path as their dad. However, all three seem to have inherited their dad's generous spirit. Prince is following his father's footsteps by helping people, as he had promised in 2010. From holding benefits to forming foundations to help foster children who have aged out of the system, Prince has continues to give back to the world.
"It's just the way my dad raised me and my siblings. It's just like inbred to give back to the community. My dad always taught me to lead by example. So, I hope that I can set a good example that you can have fun by helping other people and make a change just by doing that."
When asked if he felt responsible for his younger siblings, Prince said that was only sometimes. Paris, who is only a year younger than him, has grown up to become a strong woman. He mentioned how happy his dad would feel if he were alive to watch the three of them get along well.
"[Our father] would definitely be proud of the type of work we're doing by giving back to the community."

From People magazine's youtube channel.

From KTLA youtube channel.

The article and videos proves Prince is truly his father's son. 

All his children must be charitable. 

Why they need to only do charities that their father supported. 

The children should go to Gary, Indiana and look into what they can do for the community there. 

Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds vs Teddy Riley.

Both men participated in the Instagram Live event Verzuz in which they played their hits that they produced and told stories and they told stories. 

From the youtube channel Mashine Masters.

Michael is played on 59:12 and Babyface discusses Michael and Madonna.

Michael wanted to date Halle Berry.

Why the stories are important when it comes to Michael? 

The love and respect both men had for Michael and unlike the hatred Quincy Jones chose to spew on Michael posthumously. 

Paris Hilton and Naomi Campbell on MJ

Paris Hilton did an interview with Naomi Campbell for Naomi's youtube channel. 

From Naomi Campbell's official youtube channel.

Starts around 15:00. Paris discusses how her name came to be. 

States how her mother, Kathy and Michael have been best friends since they were 13 years old. 

Being best friends, both made a pact on the name Paris. Whoever had a daughter first, names their daughter Paris. 

When Paris was born, Michael called Kathy and reminded her of the pact and asked her if he can name his daughter Paris because he loved the name. 

It was revealed that Kathy sang back up for Michael. 

Katie Couric Gets Her Karma

Former Today show host Katie Couric did an interview and recalled the time legendary actor Denzel Washington made her feel "shaken" and "uncomfortable". I will read the article from -

This is karma because last year, Katie Couric felt the need to attack Michael Jackson over the lies from Leaving Neverland on twitter. Here is what she stated-

The woman is a demon and a fraud, from her official twitter account, 2019.

That reminds me of the time she claimed that Michael wanted to date her. She told the story twice. The first time she told the story in 2009 on the former Late Show with David Letterman

Nasty, rude and not funny. 

Then she told the story again in 2013 on the Howard Stern Show. This time she stated that she regret not going on a date with Michael.

So, why did she believe two liars over her supposed meeting with Michael and being told by the sneaky "Rabbi" that Michael wanted to date her? 

Then, I remembered a speech Michael did in 2001 in which he discusses his family life and dating. Here is video of the speech and on 3:25, Michael discusses that and how the "Rabbi" wanted to set him up. He told him as long as it is not a journalist. Interesting. 

Michael's speech is telling. From 2001.

Also in 2019, Katie attacked her former co-host of the Today show, Bryant Gumbel over a situation regarding her taking time off for maternity leave.