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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Show Notes Episode Number 3: Random Thoughts 1

Description: This episode is all about the events that happened between the time period of January 26th to March 1st of 2020 that relates to Michael. I will discussed the controversy regarding Kobe Bryant's death, Zoe Kravitz' nasty view of Michael, Tracee Ellis Ross' possible betrayal, Macaulay Culkin, Google's Black History Month advertisement and Oprah Winfrey's fall. 

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A link to a blog post I did regarding the Random Thoughts topic -

Michael's music is making the rounds because of the Corona Virus Pandemic/COVID-19. A reminder of what Michael truly stood for: making the world a better place. 

"Heal the World 2020".

The Controversy
When Kobe Bryant, along with his daughter Gianna and seven other people, were killed in a helicopter crash, the world was in complete shock. However, not everyone cared about the tragedy. Some used their social media platforms to state their issues with Kobe over false rape allegations he had to deal with back in 2003. The case did not go to trial because the prosecutors decided to drop the charges. That did not stop the insane group of feminests or feminuts to attack Kobe and completely ignore the pain that his family, friends and fans were experiencing. 

First up, Abigail Disney ( a literal nobody who got lucky), who is the heir to her uncle Walt Disney (a known racist) empire. She felt that she must state something about Kobe. This is what she stated - 

"The 60-year-old, who is the granddaughter of Roy O. Disney — a cofounder of the Walt Disney Company — had in a tweet January 29 shared an op-ed from the Washington Post about allegations Bryant faced some 17 years ago, writing "The man was a rapist. Deal with it."
"OK, time to bite the bullet and say something," Disney said when she began her Twitter thread early Saturday morning. "If you don't like it, just stop following. First of all, yes, it IS my business because I'm a woman who has herself been assaulted and spent my life knowing, loving and feeling for women for whom it's been so much worse." 
"I mourn Kobe too," she wrote. "He went on to be a man who seemed genuinely to want to do good. The face[sic] that he raped someone does not change any of these other facts."

Next, an actress name Evan Rachel Wood, who many people either never heard of or have heard of her but don't care for her (I would fit that category). She stated very foul things about Kobe such as - 

“What has happened is tragic. I am heartbroken for Kobe’s family. He was a sports hero. He was also a rapist. And all of these truths can exist simultaneously”

In typical punk fashion, the future has been deleted her tweets and made her Instagram account private. 

A Senator from Pennsylvania name Kate Muth used her twitter account to comment on Kobe's death by stating - 

“Just a reminder: Kobe’s talent does not override or neutralize the fact that he was charged with rape. Pray for the victims’ families, but don’t silence the truth by forgetting he’s a credibly accused rapist with DNA evidence. #BelieveSurvivors

I see. 

An MSNBC anchor name Alison Morris had to issue an apology because she almost stated the N-word while covering the Kobe tragedy - 

“Earlier today, while reporting on the tragic news of Kobe Bryant’s passing, I unfortunately stuttered on air, combining the names of the Knicks and the Lakers to say ‘Nakers.’ Please know I did not & would NEVER use a racist term. I apologize for the confusion this caused.”

In the wake of the sudden attack that Kobe was getting, a former journalist wanted to offer the harsh truth about the mainstream media. Her opinion was so powerful, it went viral.

A former journalist stating the facts. 

After all of that mess, we probably thought that the Kobe bashing was over. However, it was not. It got even worse. Oprah's best friend (if you believe that), Gayle King, decided to interview WNBA basketball great Lisa Leslie about her friend Kobe. Gayle asked Lisa a question that angered a lot of people. 

Gayle is pure evil like her demon to the hip, Oprah.

The backlash that Gayle got (and deserved) was insane. 

Legendary rapper, friend of Kobe and hardcore Los Angeles Lakers fan Snoop Dogg was so angry with Gayle, he let her know - 

Snoop Dogg lets Gayle King know.

After Snoop Dogg stated this, the mainstream media had a field day. Habitual complainer/whiner and former actress Rose McGowan did not like what Snoop stated. She stated - 

"You want to know why Kobe Bryant is a hero?” McGowan tweeted to her 900,000 followers on Monday. “He apologized to a hurt young woman. Snoop & others it’s time to stop terrorizing [Gayle King] and [Felicia Sonmez]. Truth hurts. Death hurts. Grow the f--- up. Kobe stopped hurting women, so can you.”

Oprah comes to Gayle's rescue and changes the narrative from Gayle doing wrong to black men talking down to black women - 

Oprah truly needs to sit down. 

After that, two more fools name Roland Martin and Michael Eric Dyson decided to put their spin in. 

Is this fool serious???

What is this nut talking about?????

Kobe Bryant In His Words:

Kobe in 2012.

Zoe Kravitz trashes Michael.

The daughter of legendary rocker Lenny Kravitz and former relevant actress Lisa Bonet, felt the need to use her future cancelled show High Fidelity, to trash Michael.

After knowing what this waste stated about Michael in her trash show, I did some digging on her and I found some very interesting and disturbing things about her.  

1. Zoe never accepted being black until she was an adult - 

"Racism is very real, and white supremacy is going strong. I am definitely mixed. Both my parents are mixed. I have White family on both sides. The older I get, the more I experience life, I am identifying more and more with being Black, and what that means — being more and more proud of that and feeling connected to my roots and my history. It’s been a really interesting journey because I was always one of the only Black kids in any of my schools. I went to private schools full of White kids. I think a lot of that made me want to blend in or not be looked at as Black. The white kids are always talking about your hair and making you feel weird. I had this struggle of accepting myself as Black and loving that part of myself. And now I’m so in love with my culture and so proud to be Black. It’s still ongoing, but a big shift has occurred. My dad especially has always been very connected to his history, and it’s important to him that I understand where I come from.”

2. When discussing Bill Cosby, this is what she stated about him - 

“Her and him never got along,” Kravitz says. “Whether he was attracted to her, or he resented her having a mind of her own, she always got a weird vibe from him. A dark vibe.” She says she recently found a photo of herself on set as a baby, with Cosby holding her. “It’s actually a really disturbing picture,” she says. “His face is not a sweet face at all. It’s kind of creepy.” 

3. She does not like the idea of playing a black woman who is in a relationship with a black man -

Last year she was Skyping with some directors about a movie that featured couples of various races, and they said they liked her for the woman married to the black guy. “I was like, ‘OK — but I could play any of the women,’ ” she says. “ ‘Black people don’t have to be married to other black people.’ A lot of times it’s just white people not understanding why what they say is offensive.”

4. She watches her sex scenes on the show with her father.
You have got to be kidding me.

If anyone is curious, Lenny was friends with Michael and this was what he stated about him years back. It makes you wonder why his daughter does not have the same respect for Michael.

Lenny Kravitz talks about Michael. 

Tracee Ellis Ross "Sells Out"

Daughter of legendary singer Diana Ross and star of shows Girlfriends and Blackish, participated on Oprah's tour. This is a disloyal act on Tracee's part.

Tracee Ellis Ross with the demon. 

Macaulay Culkin Defends Michael. 

Mac did an interview with the magazine Esquire in which he defends Michael and talk about his goddaughter Paris Jackson and turning 40 - 

Mac being loyal. 

"I ask Mack if he is bothered that people assume—because he was one of many boys who spent time at Jackson’s home, some of whom accused him of heinous acts of sexual abuse—Jackson must have abused him, too.“Look,” he says. “I’m gonna begin with the line—it’s not a line, it’s the truth: He never did anything to me. I never saw him do anything. And especially at this flash point in time, I’d have no reason to hold anything back. The guy has passed on. If anything—I’m not gonna say it would be stylish or anything like that, but right now is a good time to speak up. And if I had something to speak up about, I would totally do it. But no, I never saw anything; he never did anything.“Here’s a good Michael Jackson story that doesn’t involve Michael Jackson at all: I ran into James Franco on a plane. I’d bumped into him two or three times over the years. I give him a little nod as we’re putting our bags overhead. Hey, how you doing? Good, how ya doing? And it was right after the Leaving Neverland documentary came out, and he goes, ‘So, that documentary!’ And that was all he said. I was like, ‘Uh-huh.’ Silence. So then he goes, ‘So what do you think?’ And I turned to him and I go, ‘Do you wanna talk about your dead friend?’ And he sheepishly went, ‘No, I don’t.’ So I said, ‘Cool, man, it was nice to see you.’ ”

People were angry at Macaulay for defending Michael. A twisted, sick world that we live in that people would be angry that Mac was not touched rather than him being touched. It says a lot about how much these demons hate Michael with a passion. Here is an article that goes into the detail with people who feel that way. A good read.

Google Did a Video to Promote Black History Month and Deliberately left out Michael, Janet and the Jacksons. 

A useless ad.

Is Oprah's Fall the Beginning of the End of Oprah? 
